联系我们 | 免费报价 | 越南工厂出租和工业园区
Area: 488 ha; including: 257 ha for industry, 80 ha for services, 151 ha for public utility and trees, grass.
Hot Field: Mechanic, electronic, IT, chemical, consumer products, cosmetic, plastic, ceramic, glass, foot wears, biological products, leather, high grade building materials, pharmaceutical, medical equipments…
Transport: Complete internal asphalt roads having load capacity of H30 ~ 30MT/cm2.
Electricity Supply: Two 63MVA transformer stations
Water Supply: from Thien Tan water plant
Telecom: IDD, Internet ADSL
Water Treatment: - capacity: 5.000 m3/day
Land Price: - Land rental : 0,5 USD/m2/year – Business space rental: 60 USD/m2/45 years (to 2053) –
高速公路 | 2 - 4 lanes | 废水处理 | 15,000 m3/day | ||
工业用水 | 20,000 m3/day | 雨水处理 | |||
电力 | 63MVA | 天然气 | |||
电话 | 安全 | 24-hour security guard | |||
管理费 | 1.0 USD/m² | 评论 |
* There are Japanese companies * Rental factory available (building area: 1,920-2,160 m2, floor load capacity: 1.5 t / m2) |
从 Ho Chi Minh City | 25km | 从 Tan Son Nhat International Airport | 50km |
从 Long Thanh International Airport | 11km | 从 New Saigon Port | 37km |
从 Cat Lai Port | 25km | 从 Thi Vai Port | 45km |
从 Vung Tau Port | 75km |
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